Three things every Computer Science Project Group must do!

Are you a student of any computer science related field? If yes, then this article will guide you how to do your college projects that helps in getting a job. There are several things that usually students don’t do because they aren’t aware of or they don’t care, for example professional tools that are used in top companies, those tools are the basics of majority of tech companies.
I have seen students lacking some quality of work in their projects, so this article will guide you how to proceed with your projects.
Three things every leader in the group should do in their projects.
Use Effective Communication Tool
For communication among group members, we usually use non-professional tools like Facebook, WhatsApp or sometimes Skype. We never know how effective is to use team messaging tools, one of the most widely used example is Slack. Start using Slack, they provide a quick solution for a team in effective way, it has a free version especially designed for students or startups.
Use Version Control Tool
Version control is the most important factor that we miss in our projects, we keep track of project files and versions differently, we do work in an old-fashioned way. Version Control platforms like Github or Bitbucket are used everywhere, and one should start using these especially in big projects like Final Year Project.
Use professional Cloud Computing Platforms
Professional cloud computing platforms are useful and helpful for your future. Building applications on these tools help you to get familiarize with the eco-system, Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure are all examples, further they all provide free trial version, also special packages available for students. Stop using localhost and start deploying on these professional platforms.
These three things must also be added in your Resume, it will show atleast how familiar you are with these services. These will add values in several ways, the recruiter will be able to extract so many positives.
Also, the last two are effective when you are seeking investments or trying to sell your product. Investor or buyer will see how professionally you did, it increases the worth of the product as well as the worth of the developer.
If you are looking for a job, read 7 Effective Linkedin Strategies!
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